The joyful news that He is risen does not change the contemporary world. Still before us lie work, discipline, sacrifice. But the fact of Easter gives us the spiritual power to do the work, accept the discipline, and make the sacrifice. ~ Henry Knox Sherrill
This is not the first time that I have created a post titled, “Heaven’s Answer.” The first was done a few years back to commemorate Christmas, written from the perspective that the birth of Christ was indeed a blessing of divine origin, the beginning.
From that particular newsletter, my thought: “And so, from this point, here in the tiny space that I occupy in the universe, it is through my belief in the Holy Spirit and the seed of his worth that is placed in our hearts that I rejoice and fear not.”
There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter. And now, it is Easter, the most important festival of the Christian church and we are celebrating completion; the fulfillment of all the promise inherent in the beginning; the resurrection of the Word in Heaven’s reply.
And he departed from our sight that we might
return to our heart, and there find Him.
For He departed, and behold, He is here.
~St Augustine
The great gift of Easter is hope, the Apostle Peter wrote that it is our “new birth into a living hope.”
Recently we found a movie on Netflix titled ‘A Man Called Peter’, the life of Peter Marshall, the pastor from Scotland who became the chaplain of the Senate in the 1940’s. His sermons and prayers are as relevant and inspiring today as they were then.
To wit, “Our father’s God, to Thee who are the author of our liberty, and under whom we have our freedom, we say our prayer. Make us ever mindful that we are the heirs of a great heritage, and the trustees of priceless things, lest we forget the price that was paid for them–or the cost that may yet have to be met to keep them. Make us strong, O God, in conviction with the insight of our perilous times and in the courage for our testing.”
May you have a joyful Easter!
Remember to count your blessings and express the hope in your heart.
Becky and Jim Gabriel

Since 1980, Jim and Becky Gabriel have helped multiple numbers
of patients in Georgia and Sarasota and graduated a thousand
massage therapists from ASHA, the Academy of Somatic Healing Arts,
their Atlanta massage school.Their mission is to provide innovative, effective health care services,
educational materials and classes as well as holistic health and wellness
products for the entire community. They may be contacted via:
The Gabriel Center for Massage Therapy