“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children–then how much more shall your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him?” Matthew 7:11
There is a double contrast here.
First, between an earthly parent and God.
Second, between their respective moral characters.
If an earthly parent does not allow his little ones to starve, but instead freely ministers to their needs–then certainly God will respond to the cries of His own children.
They were but the begetters of our bodies–He is the maker of our souls.
Their resources are very limited–His are infinite!
What abundant evidence God has given the Christian that He is his loving heavenly Father!
The sending of His Son,
the gift of His Spirit,
the bestowal of eternal life,
His erection of the throne of grace,
the innumerable promises He has made–
all exclude the idea that He will turn a deaf ear unto their requests.
But more, our parents were “evil”–whereas God is essentially good. The principal emphasis lies there. If those who by nature are corrupt and filled with selfishness could find in their hearts to bestow needful things on their offspring–then how safely may He who has nothing in Him to check His benignity and bounty be relied upon. He is an ocean of all blessedness, which is ever seeking an outlet to communicate itself to those whom He has loved, chosen, and made His sons and daughters!
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